Professional Snow Removal in Portsmouth, NH
During the winter months, Clipper Landscaping offers comprehensive snow removal in Portsmouth, NH. The winters in New England can be brutal, with Mother Nature regularly throwing freezing rain, snow, sleet, wind, and ice our way. Thankfully, with our services, we have you covered in all conditions. Plus, we are happy to provide both residential and commercial solutions:
We like to meet with you prior to a snowfall to discuss snow placement and address any questions either party may have before we offer our driveway snow clearing services. We will remove the snow from your driveway, parking area, and mailbox (if located at the end of your driveway) to make easy access for the postman.
We will maintain entrances and exits along with parking areas and sidewalks throughout the storm. We will meet before the winter to discuss placement, trigger amounts, and time frames.
Ice Control
Our team will use salt and calcium chloride to help prevent slipping, sliding, and falls on your property. It is applied at certain times and in various amounts depending on the weather conditions along with air and ground temperatures. We work hard to avoid any injuries on your property with our ice removal services. We will salt the sidewalks and steps as well as anywhere else you may need to make your property as safe as possible for your customers and guests.
All Yard Waste is Recycled.